self publishing 


For Beginner & Advanced Authors

Proper formatting is essential for a professional-looking book. Ensure that your manuscript has consistent margins, font size, and spacing, and choose a font that is easy to read.

No matter how good your writing is, you should always have it professionally edited. This will improve the clarity, flow and overall quality of your book.



A professional book cover can make a big difference in seducing readers and selling books.


Once your book is published, you will need to market it to reach potential readers.



Publishing a book is a long-term investment, and it may take time to see results. Please don't be in a hurry.

While it's common for books to have blank left-hand pages, you should avoid having a blank right-hand page if your chapter openings appear on facing pages.

Your book should be a reflection of your writing, thoughts, and value to readers, not a showcase of amateurish design choices.


Running ads for your book on Amazon or other platforms is an effective method to make much more sales.



Remember to turn off numbering for title pages, copyright pages, blank pages, display pages like part-openers.